Donald Trump’s Misogyny Is About Power

Donald Trump’s supporters in search of apparel have no shortage of options. On Etsy, for example, they can choose from a variety of T-shirt designs, some with a crude message. “Say No to the Hoe,” a few say, featuring Vice-President Kamala Harris’s face inside a circle with a line drawn through it. “Jo and the Ho Gotta Go,” decrees another, out-of-date option, which True Patriot Supply also offers in multiple colors. The New York Times reported on Wednesday that many Trump supporters had taken to wearing “Joe and the Hoe” shirts at the former president’s rallies. That Trump’s supporters are misogynistic will come as no surprise to anyone on the left; much of Trump’s appeal is based in part on a backlash to progress, including progress for women.

Sarah Jones August 31, 2024

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