Is Bluelining the ‘New’ Redlining? How Insurance Discrimination Deepens Climate Disparities

On July 21, the world experienced the hottest global temperature on record, only to surpass that record the next day. However, not everyone experiences the impacts of this heat and other climate-exacerbated disasters equally. As summer intensifies, the impacts of climate change — especially extreme heat— are becoming more severe, disproportionately affecting low-income and minority populations.

In the US, a history of racial discrimination in finance and housing policies has left Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities more susceptible to the impacts of climate change and less equipped to recover from extreme weather disasters. Today, home insurers are pulling out of areas they perceive as risky to climate hazards, once again leaving BIPOC communities behind.

Lindsay Fenlock August 9, 2024

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