Category: Beth Kwiatek

Another Voice: Brown and his party disrespect the tenets of Democracy

By Beth Kwiatek

Read the full article from Buffalo News, here.

Byron Brown’s write-in campaign and the Democratic Party’s lack of support and protection for India Walton reflect a dangerous and growing trend within our nation: the subversion of democratic rule. Alarmingly, they have disguised those actions, including Brown’s behavior before and after the primary, as political strategies.

Another Voice: Education, not guilt, is the focus of Critical Race Theory

By Beth Kwiatek

Read the full article from Buffalo News, here.

CRT and whiteness studies argue that racism is not the consequence of the actions of individual racists, but that racism is embedded in the systems of our nation: legal, economic, education, religious and political. These systems all purport the myth of equality, but operate in a way that has always benefited whites and continues to do so.


By Henry-Louis Taylor, Jr., Beth Kwiatek, and Ian Stern

“Pundits might need to educate the public about the issues, but it is old news to elected officials, public health experts, and urban planners. Yet, this knowledge was never translated into action, down on the ground, in Black communities to blunt the devastation.”

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